Castroviejo Keratoplasty Scissors
Castroviejo Keratoplasty Scissors, Universal with blunt angled blades. Blunt tips and lower blade longer than the upper blade, 16mm from pivot to tip -105mm long
Castroviejo Corneal Scissors
Castroviejo Corneal Scissors, Curved blunt tips, small blades - 105mm long
Castroviejo Corneal Scissors
Castroviejo Corneal Scissors, 16mm from pivot to tip - 116 mm long
Castroviejo Corneal Scissors
Castroviejo Corneal Scissors, Blunt tips, curved blades, 11.0mm from pivot to tip - 112mm long
Castroviejo Curved Scissors
Castroviejo Curved Scissors, Blunt tips, tip to pivot length 11.0mm - 105mm long
Castroviejo Curved Corneal Scissors
Castroviejo Curved Corneal Scissors, Universal medium model with blunt tips, 16mm from pivot to tip - 116mm long
Castroviejo Straight Scissors
Castroviejo Straight Scissors, Blunt tips, tip to pivot length 11.0mm - 105mm long
Castroviejo Corneal Section Scissors
Castroviejo Corneal Section Scissors, right, Blunt tips and lower blade, 0.5mm longer than the upper blade, 13mm from pivot to tip - 105mm long
Castroviejo Corneal Section Scissors
Castroviejo Corneal Section Scissors,leMT5, Blunt tips and lower blade, 0.5mm longer than the upper blade, 13mm from pivot to tip - 105mm long
Castroviejo Corneal Section Scissors
Castroviejo Corneal Section Scissors, right, Blunt tips and lower blade 0.5mm longer than the upper blade, 9mm from pivot to tip - 105mm long